Steam Plant

A Steam Plant steam plant is a facility that generates steam from incoming water. The steam thus generated is usually routed to a steam injection facility in order to feed steam injection wells. Additionally, a steam plant can be turned into a co-generation facility and produce power along with steam.

The following inputs specific to power plants are entered in a separate Steam Generation tab:

  • Steam Quality: Proportion of saturated steam in the produced fluid. A steam quality of 0% indicates 100% water while a steam quality of 100% indicates 100% steam. Used only for documenting the context in which the Yield parameter below is valid.
  • Steam Temperature: Temperature of produced steam. Used only for documenting the context in which the Yield parameter below is valid.
  • Yield: Ratio between input water and produced steam.
  • Cogenerator - Power per Steam: Enable this field to turn the steam plant into a co-generation plant. When checked, the plant will generate power along with steam in the proportion defined. The amount of power generated, delivered, consumed and sold (excedent) will be presented in the Results Window under a new node Power Power.
  • Operate at full capacity: Check to make the plant work always at full capacity even if the field requires less steam than generated by the plant. If this option is left unchecked, the plant will produce as much steam as required by the injection wells fed by this facility.

Leaving the Operate at full capacity option unchecked does not mean that the facility will process only the amount of water necessary to cover the field steam injection requirements - it may also surpass this limit if the upstream provides more water than required by the field.

Keep in mind that power generation is considered subsidiary to steam production. When the option to operate at full capacity is unchecked, the plant will work according to steam demand of the whole project, regardless of the power demand.

Fluid Consumption in steam plants can be defined as a function of the amount of steam produced.